Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Day 22 Quebec

Great night sleep by both Amalia and Lachie. Amelia took a long time to settle the night before and Lachie only stirred twice, but was easily settled. When he woke at 6:30 it was a bonus! The snow covered view was lovely, but it soon began to melt.

Breakfast, then Tim took his parents and Lachie to the shops.  After a few jobs around the house, I did a few hours of hand sewing. When they returned Lachie was asleep, so he was put to bed. At lunch time, some of Sarah and Tim’s friends dropped in for a very brief visit. I made egg in a hole because my bread had a huge hole through it.
Heather spent hours during the day sorting and packing ready for their return trip tomorrow.
After Lachie woke up, we all walked up to the revolving restaurant- “Ciel”. The weather was definitely cold outside. We had afternoon tea. A drink and some dessert. I ordered crème brulee. Not the usual kind that’s for sure. This custard was served in a basket of white chocolate and no crunchy top? More like a cheesecake texture.
The view was quite spectacular. The city was clear and the melting snow covering was lovely. We arrived late afternoon so I was able to take photos of the town at that point. Then as dusk came I took another set of photos. The only difficulties for both was the reflective glare from the windows.

Home and a quick dinner for Lachie, followed by bath time for both. Amelia’s cord had fallen out today, so Lachie was quite interested in her new belly button. Heather cooked mac and cheese dinner for everyone. I was happy with last night’s leftovers. 


  1. Loved your photos from the restaurant, but Quebec looks cold.

  2. Actually when it is snowing it is much warmer. The wind is a killer- that is froid!
