Saturday, 19 November 2016

Day 19 Quebec

Lachie had a shocker last night. His disturbed night was timed perfectly to connect with the times between Amelia’s sleep times. Consequently not a lot of good sleep happened among any of the adults and one child.
Lachie, Sarah were up before me. I made his breakfast, then my own. We planned to go to the shops, but Troy was tired, so I walked to the shops and bought a few items at Metro and had a chat with a lady who was with some boys trying to raise money for a soccer trip. The sun might have been shining at some point of the day but the wind was bitterly cold and the cloud was now low. Then I continued down to the patisserie, before returning with one sore foot. Tendonitis my guess. Lachie did not go to sleep until I returned, despite Tim’s best efforts.

After lunch I noticed some trucks going past. The number increased and so did the horn blowing. It became very difficult to hear the tv and the noise woke up Lachie. They were obviously protesting about something “Enough is enough” was on one of the flags. Once he was fully awake, Lachie was most impressed by all the trucks.
Eventually we went to the mall to buy items for Amelia and Lachie. The mall was already decked out in Christmas decorations. We only went to Walmart and Toys R Us. Lachie managed to get lost for a short time in Toys R Us- slightly disconcerting. He tried out almost everything in the shop, including the skate boards with Tim’s help.
As we drove home the phone rang, Amelia began screaming and Tim tried to have a conversation with Peter from Australia in the “night” traffic (5pm) with a screaming baby and a fractious overtired Lachie. Once we arrived in the underground garage, the conversation was almost impossible to hear, so he got out and we were left with two cranky kids in the car. Sarah fed Amelia- solved one and I began to unpack Lachie’s truck until Tim returned.

Back in the apartment, Lachie was in full flight of crankiness. I prepared the shepherd’s pie and apple cake. Sarah fed Amelia and Tim played with Lachie. Eventually bath time. Amelia HATES having her clothes off, so a bath was a pure screaming session. Lachie was happy to get in and get clean. Just not happy to eat anything substantial. Dinner after the two children went down. Dishes and Amelia was up again. Non-stop hungry. I began typing, but still have to do today’s photos and discovered that I was days behind in my blog due to the embargo on publishing. Finally caught up but it might be a long night? Amelia is unsettled.

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