Friday, 16 June 2017

Day 7 Legian

Walking, shopping, eating and pampering.
Woke at 7, bright sunshine outside. I sat in bed and typed up yesterday’s diary and finally connected to the internet. But I was only able to send off yesterday’s entry before it crashed. Chris woke up at 8 and we went down to join the others and then went across for breakfast. The usual buffet breakfast, which was fairly ordinary. I am missing Gf bread, but there is always something to eat.
Tattoo on a young man at breakie

Finally got a clear shot of a "garage"
After breakfast Sandra, Chris and I walked down the street, trying a different road. We wandered in and out of shops, stopping for shopping and drinks/ lunch. After lunch we checked out the rooms at that hotel, which was very central to the shopping areas.Then we caught a taxi home, $4.
We  dropped off our shopping and set off for a massage/ pedicure/ manicure afternoon. I managed to get my back put back into line after waking up with a cricked neck and back. While we were gone Val and Pauline sat by the pool.

On the way back I bought a top I had seen in the morning and some water and Coke for the girls. I tried to get online. No way, yet again!!! So I typed up today’s diary and tried to upload photos. No internet fast enough to do it.
We went out for dinner to the nearby restaurant and everyone had a lovely meal this time. When we returned FINALLY the internet was working and I had enough bars to upload photos.

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